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Now downloading free:Tektronix 061-2581-00 8560 MSDU Service Manual Dec81

Tektronix 061-2581-00 8560 MSDU Service Manual Dec81 free download

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File name 061-2581-00_8560_MSDU_Service_Manual_Dec81.pdf

8560 MULTI-USER SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT UNIT SERVICE; COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE WARNING THE FOLLOWING SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN THAT CONTAINED IN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO DO SO. PRELIMINARY PLEASE CHECK FOR CHANGE INFORMATION AT THE REAR OF THIS MANUAL. Tektronix, Inc. P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number - - - - - - - 061-2581-00 Product Group 61 First Printing DEC 1981 8560 MUSDU Service PREFACE RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER EQUIPMENT The 8560 Multi-User Software Development Unit (MUSDU) is used primarily in conjunction with the 8540 Integration Unit. Together, the two units comprise a complete microcomputer development lab. Uses of this lab are described in separate user manuals. MANUAL APPLICATION This service manual describes the 8560 Multi-User Software Development Unit (MUSDU) in sufficient detail to permit service technicians to perform on-site board-level repairs. ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual introduces you to the 8560 MUSDU Multi-user Software Development Unit (MUSDU). The manual also describes hardware operations within the 8560 at a block diagram level. This Manual is organized into 22 sections. A brief description of each section follows: Section This section contains general information and an introduction to the 8560 MUSDU. Section 2 This section contains the 8560 specifications. Section 3 This section contains a brief description of front and rear panel controls, connectors, and indicators. It also contains board configuration drawings and tables, showing the default strap and jumper positions for each board. Section 4 This section describes the LSI-11/23 Processor. Section 5 This section describes the Utility board. Section 6 This section describes the System Memory (RAM) board. Section 7 This section describes the 1/0 Processor board. @ i Safety Summaries - 8560 MUSDU Service SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Grounding the Product The 8560 is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electrical shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired receptacle before connecting to the equipment's power input terminals. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is

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