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apple eMate free download

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Descr: apple Newton & emate eMate.pdf
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K Service Source eMate eMate 300 K Service Source Basics eMate Basics Overview - 1 Overview The eMate 300 is a portable computer that has the Newton operating system and a tablet similar to a Newton, plus a keyboard. Opening the lid turns eMate power on, and closing the lid shuts eMate power off. The lid angle is adjustable to get the best viewing position. With the eMate pen you can tap choices, write, or draw on the screen. The keyboard keys are similar to those found on other computers. A few special keys found along the top of the keyboard make some operations easier, such as scrolling, searching, and closing applications. It is easy to access upgradeable components through a single back panel. Upgradeable components are the battery pack, DRAM/Flash expansion connector, and system ROM connector. Fragile components are easily replaced, including the keyboard, display, tablet, and backlight assembly. Basics Beaming and Faxing - 2 Beaming and Faxing Infrared wireless transmission allows exchanging information with another eMate or Newton device, or connecting to a desktop computer. To do this, the infrared windows need to point directly at each other and should be less than one meter apart (closer in bright sunlight).

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