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Agilent PN 4395/96-1 How to Measure Noise Accurately Using the Agilent Combination Analyzers Product Note Agilent Technologies 4395A/4396B Features of the Combination Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzers Analyzer Each of the combination analyzers (4395A and 4396B) offers high per- formance, is economically designed, Introduction and contains vector network, spec- One of the major concerns in C/N trum, and impedance measurement (carrier/noise) ratio measurement is functions available in one instrument. understanding the factors that influ- This design strategy allows measure- ence noise measurement accuracy. In ment of gain, phase, group delay, noise, noise measurements, different spec- spurious, C/N ratio and more--all of trum analyzers provide different which are indispensable for evaluat- measurement results caused by a dif- ing the performance of electronic In addition, they use digital filters ference of the signal processing algo- components and circuitry in the with a steep shape factor to provide rithms or different RBWs (resolution important 500 and 1800 MHz fre- substantially improved performance bandwidths). quency range. For spectrum analysis, in analyzing closely-spaced signals. in particular, these combination ana- The analyzers are designed with In this note, we will compare the com- lyzers cover an extremely wide fre- utmost care to minimize internal bination analyzers (Agilent 4395A and quency range (4395A: 10 Hz to generation of noise, thus allowing 4396B) and conventional spectrum 500 MHz, 4396B: 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz) signals of extremely low levels to be analyzers (Agilent 4195A, 3588A, and feature the stepped FFT (fast measured without sacrificing its 3589A, 3585A/B) with respect to Fourier) technique (4395A: all resolu- measurement speed. Furthermore, noise measurement accuracy, and tion bandwidth, 4396B: resolution the time gated spectrum analysis explain why the combination analyz- bandwidth of 1 Hz to 3 kHz), providing function (Option 1D6) is optionally ers ensure higher accuracy in noise a sweep time 20 to 100 times shorter available for repetitive burst signal measurement. than the conventional analyzers. analysis. Differences between Analyzer 2. Difference in RBW and shape factor The RBW filter (IF filter provided at Models Noise is defined as spectral energy

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