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Now downloading free:NEC 819-095000-236 R07 CPM86 Release Bulletin

NEC 819-095000-236 R07 CPM86 Release Bulletin free download

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File name 819-095000-236_R07_CPM86_Release_Bulletin.pdf

TM RELEASE BULLETIN 819-095000-236 ~ ~ CP/M-86 Operating System Model BQ: APC-S01 1.0 Introduction: CP/M-86 is a sing1e-user/sing1e-task Disk Operating System (DOS) for the APC computer. The current release of the operating system consists of two integrated parts, CP/M-86 1.1 and CBIOS 1.107. Together these two parts form the operating system referred to as CP/M-86 1.1 (1.107:015,B). 2.0 Contente 2f ~ Release: 2.1 Distribution Media PART NO. DESCRIPTION 819-076001-0100 Rev 07 CP/M-86 Diskette 819-076002-0100 Rev 02 CP/M-86 Pro9ram Development Aids Diskette 2.2 Documentation PART NO. DESCRIPTION 819-000100-4001 CP/M-86 User's Guide 819-000102-2001 CP/M-86 System Guide 819-095000-236 Rev 07 Release Bulletin 3.0 Hardwar~/Software Reguirements: 3.1 Minimum Hardw9.L~ Regui~~Dts APC-H01 - Monochrome APe with 1 Floppy Disk Drive (See Section 6.5 in this release bulletin) 3.2 Minimum Softw~ ReQyirements None 4.0 Instal1at12n Procedure: 1) Refer to the CP/M-86 User's Guide Chapter 1 for details on installation. Advanced Personal Computer NEC NEe Information Systems, Inc. 2) Use TYPE .to view th~ READ.ME file included with the CP/M-86 System Diskette. This text file contains additional information that is not incorporated into the release bulletin. 5.0 Enhancements: These enhancements were originally implemented in CP/M-86 (1.l07:l05;A) and still apply to this release. 1) Screen dump capabilities for graphics, alternate character and normal character screen images are supported. See the attached description "operation of CRTDUMP" for further details. 2) The ALT key now selects the alternate character set. With ALT latched in the down position, all characters displayed will be from the currently loaded alternate character set. Unlatching the ALT key will resume display of characters from the ROM (standard ASCII) character generator. BIOS & BOOS error messages will be displayed in the normal character mode regardless of the ALT key's state. 3) Universal country code capability

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