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Now downloading free:CHANGHONG CN-18ED chassis (ST-29F55N)

CHANGHONG CN-18ED chassis (ST-29F55N) free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

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File name:CN-18ED_chassis_(ST-29F55N).pdf
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Size:1234 kB
Model:CN-18ED chassis (ST-29F55N) 🔎
Original:CN-18ED chassis (ST-29F55N) 🔎
Descr: CHANGHONG TV CN-18ED chassis CN-18ED_chassis_(ST-29F55N).pdf
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File name CN-18ED_chassis_(ST-29F55N).pdf

CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR ST-29F55N (1) C I R C U I T D I A G R A M F O R S T- 2 9 F 5 5 N (2) SIDE AV B OARD 8.5 C I R C U I T D I A G R A M F O R S T- 2 9 F 5 5 N (3) SERVICE mode Set the volume to 0 by the remote control. Then press and hold the MUTE button on the remote control and MENU button on the TV at the same time for over 2 seconds. In the S mode, press the POWER button to quit the S mode. S is red and other items are yellow. Use the / buttons on the remote control to highlight an adjustment and the / buttons to adjust it. The POS+/-, / / / ,1~6, RECALL, VOL+/-, MUTE and POWER buttons on the remote control function in the S mode, but 100+, 7, 8, 9 and 0 buttons not.

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