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Now downloading free:apple Lisa Workshop Supplement Ver 1.0 1986

apple Lisa Workshop Supplement Ver 1.0 1986 free download

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APPLE PROGRAMMER'S AND DEVELOPER'S ASSOCIATION 290 SW 43rd. Street Renton, WA 98055 206-251-6548 Lisa Workshop Supplement Version 1.0 APDA# KMSLWI About the Lisa Workshop Supplement Contents: Section: About the Lisa Workshop Supplement o Putting Together A Macintosh Application 1 Workshop 3.9 Update 2 Writeln Window 3 Equate and Glue Files for the Lisa Workshop 4 PPostEvent, NGetTrapAddress and NSetTrapAddress 5 Yanked Text 6 Resource File Builder 7 Disks in the Lisa Workshop Supplement The Lisa Workshop Supplement contains the following three disks: Lisa Workshop 1 Lisa Workshop 3.0 formatted disk; can be used with any version of the Lisa Workshop from version 3.0 on. Contains equate files needed when using the Lisa Workshop to create Macintosh applications. Lisa Workshop 2 Lisa Workshop 3.0 formatted disk; can be used with any version of the Lisa Workshop from verison 3.0 on. Contains object files needed when using the Lisa Workshop to create Macintosh applications. Lisa Workshop 3 Lisa Workshop 3.0 formatted disk; can be used with any veri son of the Lisa Workshop from version 3.0 on. Contains interface files needed when using the Lisa Workshop to create Macintosh applications. Also contains the Resource File Builder, described in Section 7 of this document. Lisa Update 1,2 Lisa Workshop 3.0 formatted disks; can be used with any version of the Lisa Workshop from version 3.0 on. Contain the necessary files to update the Lisa Workshop from version 3.0 to version 3.9. Includes new versions of the Workshop Shell, the linker, the editor, the assemble, RMaker, and MacCom. Please note: The files included here are meant to replace all of the previous versions that were sent out in previous Software Supplements. Please do no use your older versions; use these newer copies. About the Lisa Workshop Supplement Lisa Workshop Supplement . Page 0-1 Contents of the Lisa Workshop Supplement Disks: Contents of Lisa Workshop 1: TLAsm/ATalkEqu.text TLAsm/Fixmath.text TLAsm/FSEqu.text TLAsm/FSPrivate.text TLAsm/Graf3DEqu.text TLAsm/HardwareEqu.text TLAsm/PackMacs.text TLAsm/PREqu.text TLAsm/Private.text TLAsm/

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