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Now downloading free:apple Installing-Optical-Drive-1105

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Model:Installing-Optical-Drive-1105 🔎
Original:Installing-Optical-Drive-1105 🔎
Descr: apple Mac Desktops Mac Mini Mac mini Model A1176 Installing-Optical-Drive-1105.pdf
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Installing Mac mini Model A1176 Optical Drive Installing Mac mini Model A1176 Optical Drive Tools used in this guide Parts relevant to this guide 1.5" Thin Putty Knife 12.7 mm PATA 8x SuperDrive Phillips #00 Screwdriver (UJ-875) Spudger Tweezers Step 1 - Top Housing You can skip this step if you bought your putty knife from iFixit. Putty knives purchased from iFixit come with pre-ground edges. You'll need a putty knife in order to open the case. A 1.5 inch thin putty knife will work well, but you'll want to grind the edge down. Rub the putty knife's short edge back and forth on a sheet of all purpose rough grit sandpaper (100 grit will work fine) until it attains a beveled edge.

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