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Now downloading free:xerox 19780421 Pilot Status Report For April 78

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)(ERO)( BUSINESS SYSTEiV1S System Development Division To: W. Shultz Date: " April 21, 1978 From: W. C. Lynch Location: Palo Alto Subject: Pilot Status Report Organization: SDO/SO/SS\V IPilot for April '78 Archive document #: To be assigned by Ode Binkley Filed on: [Iris] April? a.Status Copies: Archives Belleville Bergsteinsson DeSantis Harslem Heinrich Irby Kennedy Lampson LeCesne Liddle Lynch Mendelson Metcalfe Reilly, D. Reiley, J. Shultz. Simonyi Sorderegger Szelong Thacker Townsend Wallace Weaver Wick White Cc: Gifford Horsley Lauer McJones Purcell Redell Staffing and Equipnlcnt "The arrival and acceptance of DO is now a critical factor in the release of Pi/ot. Pilot The release of Pilot 2.0 has been rescheduled for the end of August, 1978. The rdease date for Pilot 2.0 has been slipped to August 30, 1978, with alpha test beginning a month earlier. This date is predicated on the delivery of the first DO to son at the end of April, the delivery of the interim disk controller at the end of April and the availability of this equipment to Mesa group for debugging approximately two weeks after delivery and to the Pilot group approximately one month after delivery. The release dale is in week-for- \veek 51 i p wi th the arrival date for the DO. See "DO Conver:lion Plans", memo by \V. Shultz, April 4J 1978 for more details. Consideration will be" given in nlici-i\1ay to the release of an Alto Pilot 2.0 having suhstantial commonality with Pilot 2.0 on the DO. \Ve arc currently planning /l0! to have a 2.0 release of Alto Pilot. However, severe changes in the availability of DOs would increase the value of an Alto Pilot 2.0. Pilot 'York Plan - 013 The Pilol Design Work Plan ([lris]Pilot\Vp.memo) has been revised and is available on Iris. Events are moving fast enough that the workplall is suffering rapid obsolescellce in task detail (but not in overall manpower levels). The symbols 011 the subtilles refer to tasks planned in" that document. [Iris]

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