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Now downloading free:DE`LONGHI User Manual

DE`LONGHI User Manual free download

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Original:User Manual 🔎
Descr: DE`LONGHI Esam 03.110.S.EX1 User Manual.pdf
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FULLY AUTOMATIC ESPRESSO COFFEE MAKERS ESAM 03.110.S EX1 Magnifica "CRF Technology" Compact Reliable Fresh With the CRF Technology the Magnifica features a compact, Tubeless System. As the beans are ground instantly the Tubeless System always HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES guarantees a perfect cup of coffee, with a perfect aroma at the ideal temperature. BREWING UNIT As the boiler is completely removable, cleaning the inside of the machine is easy, even in areas normally difficult to reach. INSTANT REHEAT This special function heats the core of the machine, ensuring that the machine is always at the ideal temperature for espresso, no matter how long the interval between cups. ESAM 03.110.S EX1 "Cappuccino System" mixes steam, air and milk, producing a rich, creamy froth for great cappuccinos The machine can be used with either coffee beans or ground

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