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Now downloading free:BOSE ps28-48 performance test-afs

BOSE ps28-48 performance test-afs free download

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PS28/48 General Test Procedures 1. Initial Product Test Note: Before taking the unit apart or performing any repair process, an attempt to verify the cus- tomer complaint must be made. 1.1 Read any customer note included with the unit. 2. Attempt to verify the complaint before opening the unit or performing any repairs. 2.1 Customer complaint not verified, discuss with customer. 2.2 Customer complaint verified, troubleshoot and repair the unit. Refer to the PS28/28 Trouble- shooting Tips/Preventative Repair Measures document. 3. Check the software revision of the unit, using the procedures on page 5, procedure 2.3. Refer to the Bose

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