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Now downloading free:xerox Windows.mesa Oct77

xerox Windows.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:Windows.mesa_Oct77.pdf
[preview Windows.mesa Oct77]
Size:594 kB
Model:Windows.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:Windows.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing Windows.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name Windows.mesa_Oct77.pdf

wi ndows. mESA 24-0CT-77 18: 55: 07 Page 1 -- Windows.Mesa Edited by Sandman on September 27, 1977 11:28 AM DIRECTORY ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs", ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs", InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs", MenuDefs: FROM "menudefs", NovaOps: FROM "novaops", RectangleDefs: FROM "rectangledefs", SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs", StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs", StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs", SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs", WindowDefs: FROM "windowdefs"; DEFINITIONS FROM MenuDefs.SystemDefs, SegmentDefs, StreamDefs. RectangleDefs, WindowDefs: Windows: PROGRAM [dfn: STRING] IMPORTS ImageDefs, RectangleDefs, SegmentDefs, StreamDefs, StringDefs, SystemDefs. WindowDefs EXPORTS WindowDefs SHARES WindowDefs, StreamDefs = BEGIN -- GLOBAL Data --dfn: STRING ~ "foo.script"; currentwindow: WindowHandle ~ NIL; defaultwindow: WindowHandle ~ NIL; maxwindows: CARDINAL = 15: max1ines: CARDINAL = 50: linestarts: ARRAY [l .. maxlines] OF StreamIndex; originindex: StreamIndex = StreamIndex[O. 0]: nullindex: StreamIndex = StreamIndex[O. -1]: Contro1A: CHARACTER = 1C; 85: CHARACTER = 10C: CR: CHARACTER = 15C: -- mouse locations xmloc: POINTER LOOPHOLE[4248]: ymloc: POINTER LOOPHOLE[425B]; xcloc: POINTER LOOPHOLE [4268]: ycloc: POINTER LOOPHOLE [4278]: -- Mesa Display Window Routines CreateDisp1ayWindow: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: WindowType. rectangle: Rptr. ds: DisplayHandle. ks: StreamHandle. name: STRING] RETURNS[WindowHandle] BEGIN -- declare locals w: Windowllandle: -- create window structure and init it w ~ Sys temDe fs . A ocatelieapNode[S TZErO i sp 1ayWi ndow]] ; 11 w~ ~ OisplayWindow[NIL. type. NIL. NIL. NILProc. rectangle. ds. ks. NIL ... ]; -- initialize data refresh mechanism based upon window type AlterWindowType[w. lype. name]; SetCurrenlDisplayWindow[w]; RETURN[w] ; END; AlterWindowType: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [w: WindowHandle. type: WindowType. name: STRING] RfGTN -- firsl undo all stuff for current type Sfl[(T w.lype fROM clear => NULL; -- window is simply cleared on aclivation random =) NUll; USfRS res pons ib iIi ty to repa i n l screen scratch. scriptfile. file => -- data is a window on file RrGIN If w. file # NIL TflEN RfG IN w.file.destroy[w.file]; windows.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:55:07 Page 2 w.file .. NIL; END; END; ENDCASE; now fixup all stuff for new type w.type .. type; SELECT type FROM clear => NULL; -- window is simply cleared on activation random =) NULL; USERS responsibility to repaint screen scratch, scriptfile, file =>

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