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Now downloading free:xerox Fsp.mesa Sep78

xerox Fsp.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:Fsp.mesa_Sep78.pdf
[preview Fsp.mesa Sep78]
Size:303 kB
Model:Fsp.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:Fsp.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_System Fsp.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Fsp.mesa_Sep78.pdf

FSP.mesa 2-Sep-78 13:58:17 Page 1 -- Fsp.Mesa Edited by Sandman on May 12, 1978 9:18 AM DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [PageSize], FSPDefs: FROM "fspdefs" USING [ BlockSize, Oeallocator, FreeNodePointer, NodeHeader, NodePointer, ZoneHeader, ZoneOverhead, ZonePointer], ProcessDefs: FROM "processdefs" USING [InitializeMonitor], StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [WordsForString], SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [ AllocateResidentPages, AllocateResidentSegment, FreePages, PagesForWords]; DEFINITIONS FROM FSPDefs; FSP: MONITOR LOCKS z.lock USING z: ZonePointer IMPORTS ProcessDefs, StringDefs, SystemDefs EXPORTS FSPDefs, SystemDefs SHARES FSPDefs = PUBLIC BEGIN -- Mesa Free Storage Package -- A set of procedures to manage allocation within a zone. Coalescing of free nodes occurs during allocation; all free nodes following a candidate node are merged before any space is allocated. The logic is derived from a BCPL program by E. M. McCreight and was suggested by an exercise in Knuth Volume I, p. 453 #19 UsedNodeSize: PRIVATE BlockSize = SIZE [inuse NodeHeader]; FreeNodeSize: PRIVATE BlockSize = SIZE [free NodeHeader]; ZoneHeaderSize: PRIVATE BlockSize = SIZE [ZoneHeader]; ZoneTooSmall: ERROR [POINTER] = CODE; DoNothingDeallocate: Deallocator

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