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Model:1260475 6203 ENG F W 🔎
Original:1260475 6203 ENG F W 🔎
Descr: Fluke 5700a 1260475_6203_ENG_F_W.PDF
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How many calibrators do you need to meet ISO 9000? Application Note Abstract Modern quality standards are all about monitor- ing, controlling and documenting processes. Technology is providing ever more sophisticated multifunction tools to do that job at affordable prices. The prospect of supporting the calibration of these tools, as well as the more traditional ones, can be quite daunting. This application note describes the design and development of a new class of multi-product calibrator and related tools for managing a bur- geoning calibration workload in the ISO 9000 environment. Introduction Emerging quality standards--specifically the ISO 9000 series--are changing the nature of electri- cal calibration. More and more companies that have never really calibrated are finding it neces- The Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator. sary to establish calibration programs to support their quality systems. These changes in calibration fall into three categories:

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