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Now downloading free:NEC 819-095000-340 Multiplan Release Bulletin

NEC 819-095000-340 Multiplan Release Bulletin free download

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TM RELEASE BULLETIN 819-095000-340 MULTIPLAN Model No: APC-S73M (MS-DOS VERSION) 1.0 INTRODUCTION: Miltiplan is a personal productivity tool that will help you analyze data. It is a powerful modeling and planning tool to be used in budgeting, resource and product planning, personal investments and s~nsitivity analyses. You get a chance to ask "What if?" type questions, to test out plans, and to forecast. Change a critical number, and watch the figures change across your worksheet. Multiplan is an electronic worksheet of 255 rows long and 63 columns wide for words, numbers, and formulas. It allows you to connect several"'worksheets so tbat you can build up a chain of sheets ~hat provide information to each other. With the consistent command structure and on line HELP feature, y~u will soon learn how to manipulate data to obtain the answers you need. J 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE RELEASE: 2.1 Distribution Media PAR'll NO. DESCRIPTION 819 - 076073 - 01 0 ~l Multiplan Diskette 2.2 Documentation PART NO. DESCRIPTION 819-095000-340 Miltiplan Release Bulletin 158-999000-186 Multiplan User's Guide 158-020000-155 Multiplan Template 3.0 HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REOUIREMENTS: 3.1 Minimum Hardware Reguirements APC-HOI - Monochrome APC with single FDD Advanced Personal Computer NEe NEe Information Svstems,lnc. 1 3 .. 2 Minimum Software Reguirements APC-S02 - MS-DOS Operating System 4.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: PLEASE NOTE: 1. The distribution diskette is already installed for the NEC APC, refer to the (attached) Multiplan Quick Reference Guide for use of special keys on the APC. 2. If you will be using a hard disk, refer to the MS-DOS Release Bulletin, Section 6, for instructions on formatting the disk drive. 3. To use the MS-DOS COpy command on a single drive system, you will need to use a CONFIG.SYS file to assign additional disk buffers. To do this: a) Create a file named CONFIG.SYS on your bootable

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