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Now downloading free:xerox DIInterpreter.mesa Sep78

xerox DIInterpreter.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:DIInterpreter.mesa_Sep78.pdf
[preview DIInterpreter.mesa Sep78]
Size:349 kB
Model:DIInterpreter.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:DIInterpreter.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug DIInterpreter.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name DIInterpreter.mesa_Sep78.pdf

DIInterpreter.mesa 2-Sep-76 15:32:14 Page 1 file DIInterpreter.Mesa last modified by Sandman, April 9, 1978 12:37 AM Barbara, July 12, 1978 2:35 PM DIRECTORY DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [WriteEOL], DIActionDefs: FROM "diactiondefs" USING [ addressofItem, assignva1ue, baseltem, CleanUp, dereferenceItem, desclItem, desc2Item, eva1uateExpList, getLitera1, getLongLitera1, getStringLitera1, incrementList, 1engthltem, LookupId, 100pho1eItem, 100pho1eUnspecItem, memItem. minusItem. NILesp. performAddOp, performMu1tOp, pointertoType, popeva1stack. poptypestack. printlnterva1. printOctal, pusheva1stack, pushtypestack. qua1ifyItem, ResetStacks, Searchfi1eForld, SearchFi1eForType. SearchForType, SearchForVariantType. SearchFrameForId, setInterva1Bit, setPredefined, startList, typeOp], DIDefs: FROM "didefs" USING [ ConstOrQua1, DescriptorAssigner, Operator, ParseError, 'ParseHandle, ParseObject. QueueProcessor. thereESPointer], DILALRDefs: FROM "di1a1rdefs" USING [ActionEntry, ProductionInfo], DILitDefs: FROM "di1itdefs" USING [LTIndex, STlndex]: DIlnterpreter: PROGRAM IMPORTS DebugMiscDefs, DIActionDefs, DIDefs EXPORTS DlDefs SHARES DILALRDefs = BEGIN v: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF UNSPECIFIED; --parse stack 1: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF CARDINAL; --sourceline index h: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF DIDefs.ConstOrQua1; --alternate stack q: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF DILALRDefs.ActionEntry; --reduction rules proddata: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF DILALRDefs.ProductionInfo; --production rules parse: DIDefs.ParseObject ~ [qp: QueueProcessing, da: AssignDescriptors]; TwoParse: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [DIDefs.ParseHand1e]

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