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Now downloading free:apple Pascal Workshop Manual Vol 2 1983

apple Pascal Workshop Manual Vol 2 1983 free download

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Pascal Workshop Manual ParI 2 01 3 A6L0111 Workshop User's Guide for the Lisa" I-O'51-A Licensing Re(JJirements for SOftware Developers Apple has a low-cost licensing program, which permits developers of software for the Lisa to incorporate Apple-developed libraries and object code files into their products. Both in-house and external distribution require a license. Before distribUting any products that incorporate Apple software, please contact Software Licensing at the address below for both licensing and technical information. @1983 by Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue CUpertino, California 95014 (408) 996-1010 Apple, Usa, and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Simultaneously publiShed in the USA and Canada OJstorner satisfactloo If you discover physical defects in the manuals distributed with a Lisa product or in the media on which a software product is distributed. . Apple will replace the documentation or media at no charge to you during the 90-day period after you purchased the product. ProWctRevlslons Unless you have purchased the product update service available through your authorized Lisa dealer. . Apple cannot guarantee that you will receive notice of a revision to the software described in this manual. . even if you have returned a registration card received with the prodUCt. You should check periodically with your authorized Lisa dealer. Llmltatloo 00 Wanmtles a1d LiabIlity All Implied warranties concerning this manual and media. . including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. . are limited In duration to ninety (90) days from the date of original retail purchase of thIs product Even though Apple has tested the software described in this manual and reviewed its contents. . neither Apple nor Its software suppliers make any warranty or representation. . either express or Implled. . with respect to this manual or to the software described in this manual. . their quality. . performance. . merchantabIlity. . or fitness for any particular purpose. /ls a result. . this software and manual are sold "as Is... and you the purchaser are assuming the enUre rIsk as to theIr quallty and performance. In no event will Apple or its software suppliers be liable for direct... indirect. . special. . incidental. . or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or manual. . even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular. . they shall have no liability for any programs or data stored in or used with Apple products. . including the costs of recovering or reproducing these programs or data The warranty and remedIes set forth above are exclusIve and in lIeu of all others. . oral or written. . express or Implied. No Apple dealer. . agent or employee Is authorIzed to make any mOdIfication. . extension or addition to this warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of

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