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Now downloading free:panasonic Panasonic TH-47LFT30W [SM]

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Order Number MTV1111123CE FULL HD LCD Display Model No. TH-47LFT30W Manufacturing ID No. and Destination TH-47LFT30WU : North and Latin America TH-47LFT30WA : Oceania TH-47LFT30W : Other TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PAGE 1 Safety Precautions----------------------------------------------- 3 8 Disassembly and Assembly Instructions--------------- 20 1.1. General Guidelines---------------------------------------- 3 8.1. SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------- 20 1.2. Touch-Current Check ------------------------------------- 3 8.2. Disassembly Procedure Chart ------------------------ 21 2 Warning -------------------------------------------------------------- 4 8.3. Preparation ------------------------------------------------ 22 2.1. Prevention of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 8.4. Removing the metal wall hanging fittings ---------- 22 to Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices---------- 4 8.5. Disassembling the metal wall hanging fittings ---- 22 2.2. About lead free solder (PbF)---------------------------- 5 8.6. Removing the AV covers ------------------------------- 22 2.3. Precautions for Installation ------------------------------ 6 8.7. Removing the air filters --------------------------------- 23 3 Service Navigation ----------------------------------------------- 9 8.8. Removing the air supply fan and exhaust fan. --- 23 3.1. Manufacturing ID No. and Destination --------------- 9 8.9. Removing the back plate------------------------------- 23 3.2. Applicable signals ----------------------------------------10 8.10. Arrangement of the board------------------------------ 24 4 Specifications ----------------------------------------------------12 8.11. Removing the cabinet front (including the 5 Operating Instructions-----------------------------------------13 touch screen)---------------------------------------------- 24 6 Service Mode -----------------------------------------------------15 8.12. Removing the cabinet back---------------------------- 25 6.1. Service Menu Function (1) -----------------------------15 8.13. Removing the main board and

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