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Document Ref: TB124 Issue No: 01 Model: CI5944/6844 TECHNICAL Product Group: CI5344(SCT 12A/B) CTV BULLETIN Date: 18.12.97 Authorised Signature: Originator Signature Page: 1 Application: Reference (* ) Only Defected Sets ( ) Whole Sets () Subject: CHANGE OF IC201 (ONE CHIP) TYPE Symptom: New Parts Supply Cure: When replacing IC201, identify chip type as described and order using the part numbers in the table below. TDA 8375 BATHCODE N1 VERSION DATECODE 1X MASK NUMBER TDA 8375 BATHCODE N3 VERSION DATECODE 3Y MASK NUMBER DEVICE TYPE VERSION PART NUMBER CHASSIS TDA8375 N1 1204-000443 SCT12B TD8375 N3 1204-001193 SCT12B TDA8374A N1 1204-000467 SCT12A TDA8374 N3 1204-001190 (French only) SCT12A TDA8374A N3 1204-001191 SCT12A Changeover from N1 ! N3 occurred August 1997 Serial Number 3JCH8xxxxx Document Ref: TB126 Issue No: 01 Model: CI3373T TECHNICAL Product Group: SCT11D (00 TO 01) CTV BULLETIN Date:

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