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Now downloading free:apple Repairing-Scrollball-2926

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Original:Repairing-Scrollball-2926 🔎
Descr: apple Apple Mighty Mouse Repairing-Scrollball-2926.pdf
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Repairing Apple Mighty Mouse Scrollball Repairing Apple Mighty Mouse Scrollball Tools used in this guide Phillips #00 Screwdriver (1) Precision Tweezer (1) Rubbing Alcohol (1) Spudger (1) A common problem with the mighty mice is that dirt gets in the scrollball assembly and will make scrolling extremely aggravating. There are other solutions like washing the ball in rubbing alcohol and using that to clean the rollers, but I found it much more effective to attack the problem at the source. I would assume that this guide would loosely work for the USB version though I have not tried.

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