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Now downloading free:Sanyo Sanyo FVM5082 P50842-01 Z6WF [SM]

Sanyo Sanyo FVM5082 P50842-01 Z6WF [SM] free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:Sanyo_FVM5082_P50842-01_Z6WF_[SM].pdf
[preview Sanyo FVM5082 P50842-01 Z6WF [SM]]
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Model:Sanyo FVM5082 P50842-01 Z6WF [SM] 🔎
Original:Sanyo FVM5082 P50842-01 Z6WF [SM] 🔎
Descr: Sanyo Monitor Sanyo_FVM5082_P50842-01_Z6WF_[SM].pdf
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File name Sanyo_FVM5082_P50842-01_Z6WF_[SM].pdf

SN-12007 SANYO Manufacturing, C.V. SERVICE NOTICE PAGE: DATE: 1 of 2 12/21/12 SUBJECT: AFFECTED MODELS: Y12 NEW SOFTWARE VERSION VER.54 FOR , PCB New revision; US2L - Z6WE DP50842 US2L - Z6WF FVM5082. 1LG4B10Y105B0. NEW US2L - Z6WEM DP50842M. SOFTWARE VERSION. 54 BACKGROUND. Digital PCB Change from revision 0 ,to Rev B,due to some components relocation,near corner to avoid contact with grounding plate,Also white mark was added to reduce using of Plastic Washer ( See page 2 ) Also new Software version came up,to increase performance on product. This software version is applicable only for 1LG4B10Y105B0 Main PCB. White squares marks on corners NEW VERSION MAIN PCB. Only for this PCB S/W ( Ver 54 ) 1LG4B10Y105B0 For USB Software download,please save the following extension file to your USB device. P320app_748.230XX_PRODUCTION_complete.zimage STEPS FOR SOFTWARE, MANUAL DOWNLOAD A. Inspect main PCB version. B. Be sure of proper connections on all pcb's C. Connect ac cable to the TV unit and send line switch. D.Insert USB flash memory,in to USB TV Port. E. Press Vol - on the TV button unit,and MENU in the RC,at same time. F. Press enter,wait until " DOWNLOAD IS SUCCESSFUL " blue message appears,press power and disconnect ac cord, wait aprox 15 seconds and connect ac cord again to verify,that new version was correctly loaded. G. Make sure,new application software,boot versions and opt are correctly after ac off/on cycle was done. NOTE: For the internal TV CPU sw update,the TV must be ac off/on ofter update process have finished. The update will be reflected on boot ver. APPL:748. OPT: XX XX BOOT VER: 748.230.105 EDID: 01.52

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