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Now downloading free:apple Lisa Boot ROM Manual V1.3 Feb84

apple Lisa Boot ROM Manual V1.3 Feb84 free download

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uSA BOOT RCJv1 ML\NJAL.. 'JERSIttt 1.3 Rich Castro 24 February 1984 341-o175-H ~LE a::tRJTER ~flDENTIAL This doctnent replaces all previously written versions of the Lisa Boot ROM ~anual. It discusses the operation of the Lisa ROM contained on the system CPU board. This ROM contains a variety of diagnostic, setup and boot rout1nes which are perrormed automatically upon power-up or a L1sa system. The ve:rious routines are outlined in the order they ere performed, the RON boot procedures ere discussed, and the operation or tho IU1 monitor is explained. Also attached are separate appendices that cover error messaoes output by the RD1, miscellaneous information saved by the RCJ1 on power-up, interfaces for Ra1 routines use.ble by external software, details on a special power-cycl1nO mode provided ror nanuracturing use, and the procedure fOr creatin; a RCI1 "aster tram 1ts source code t11es~ ". .. The infOI'1h8t1on contained in this menual corresponds to the latest release or the Lisa boot ROM, revision H. LISA EOJT RCI1 -1- iPPLE a:tRJTER cx:IiFlDENTI AL The latest changes made to the boot R01 have been done to correct errors dealino with the hard disk interrace. 1) The boot fU1 rDI always initializes the hard disk interface reset and parity reset lines as inactive outputs prior to atternptin~ any interaction with a hard disk. Previously these lines were left initialized as inputs which r8sult8d in a "floating" level on each line. 2) The herd disk interface reset routine now works properly for both Sea~ate and Widoet type disk drives. Previously, reset of a Widget drive could result in a tigeout error because of its longer delay in responding to a reset s1 gnal . Ninor changes have also been made to this document to correct erroneous statements and supply new information. These chenges are noted by a vertical bar in the left hand margin of the changed page. LISA BCXJT IU1 -2- fFPLE CCtRlTER Cll'4F I DENT I AL 1.0 I~I~ ... 4 2.0 STARTUP TESTSIPROCEDURES ... , 3 .0 B:XlT ~S... 13 4 .0 tDiIT~ (J)ERATICI'i

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