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Now downloading free:xerox MAXC Operations May74

xerox MAXC Operations May74 free download

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"AXC OPfRATIONS "AXe 18.1 Fiala, Geschke. Heckel. Taft Hay 29. 1$)74 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center 'age t 1. Introduction 2. Overview of the Maxc System 3. Power Up 2 4. Loading the Nova Disk 3 5. Contonts of the 10SYS Tape 4 6. loading the POP-tO Emulator 5 HAxe OPERA nONS 7. Starting Tenex 6 Haxc 18.1 8. NVIO and OOT 7 Hay 29, 1974 8.1. Calling NVIO 7 8.2. OOT Commands 8 by 8.3. Nova Locations of Interest 10 8.4. Memory Error locations 10 Edward R. F18 1a 8.5. NVIO Punts 11 Charles H. Geschke Paul Heckel 9. Midas Commands 12 Edward Taft 10. Examining and Controlling "axc from Hidas 15 11. Warm Starts 17 12. Stopping Tenex 18 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center 13. Power Down 19 3180 Porter Drive Palo Alto, CA 94304 14. Tenox Crashes 19 15. Using Micro-Exec 23 16. Reading 8 .SAV File on Hlnidumper Tape tnto the Nova File System 26 17. Required Format for Standalone 1'01'-10 Programs 27 18. Running Hlcroprocessor Diagnostics 27 19. [Running 1'01'-10 Diagnostics] 30 19.1. [Standalone] 30 19.2.

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