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HP 5968-4505E free download

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Agilent Reliable Electronic Component Evaluation and Circuit Design with the 4294A 110 MHz Precision Impedance Analyzer Product Note 4294-1 Introduction With the trend toward lower power theory) only under certain conditions. expected. Component and circuit consumption, smaller size and higher The characteristics under other condi- impedance characterization under performance in electronic equipment, tions are not ideal due to a variety of actual operating conditions is very it is crucial to evaluate electronic com- causes that are dependent on compo- important to circuit design. This prod- ponents and circuits used in electronic nent structure. If the design of elec- uct note describes how to perform reli- equipment. Electronic components tronic equipment, operating over a able component and circuit evaluation such as inductors, capacitors, or resis- wide frequency or signal level range, with the 4294A precision impedance tors behave as ideal components with only includes component characteris- analyzer. theoretical impedance characteristics tics specified under certain conditions, (as mentioned in the basics of circuit the actual performance might not be as Agilent 4294A Profile Review The 4294A is a modern impedance (1) Accurate impedance The built-in floating power supply enables grounded device measure- analyzer, succeeding and expanding the main features of the 4194A measurement up to 110 MHz ments with the 42941A impedance impedance/gain-phase analyzer. probe kit or the 42942A terminal The 4294A enables impedance mea- adapter. In particular, the Note that the 4294A does not have surement using the auto-balancing impedance of components mounted Gain-Phase measurement capability. bridge technique over the frequency on a printed circuit board can be range 40 Hz to 110 MHz, while the easily measured with the 42941A. Agilent 4194A covers only to 40 The 4194A is a very old impedance MHz. This advantage permits accu- analyzer with many weak points in rate evaluation of impedance charac- terms of data analysis. For example, teristics for a wide variety of elec- since the built-in programming func- tronic devices with

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