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Now downloading free:Optiquest VCDTS21467-3M

Optiquest VCDTS21467-3M free download

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File information:
Size:1035 kB
Model:VCDTS21467-3M 🔎 VCDTS214673M
Original:Q71-3 🔎
Descr:Optiquest (Viewsonic) Q71-3 and Q71-4 17 inch computer monitor
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name Q71-3_zip.txt

Schematics for the Optiquest VCDTS21467-3M Also know as the Q71-3 and Q71-4. Viewsonic made several different versions of the Optiquest Q71. The version is the dash number at the end of the model number. Each model number has a different schematic. Model number Also known as Manufacture around VCDTS21348-1M and -2M Q71-1 and Q71-2 1997 VCDTS21467-3M and -4M Q71-3 amd Q71-4 1999 VCDTS21569-5M Q71-5 2000 VCDTS22355-6M Q71-6 2001 The Q71-3/-4 and the Q71-5 look alike externally. The main board was made by Jean. The Q71-3/-4 and Q71-5 share some electronic components, such as the power supply. How ever much is also electronically different. The images are 2 color TIFF format. 2 color TIFF compresses to a very small size. Even smaller than JPG. It is possible to put a lot of information is a very small file. Q71-3_scheme.TIF Entire schematic on one page Q71-3_UL.TIF Upper Left quarter of schematic Q71-3_UR.TIF Upper Right quarter of schematic Q71-3_LL.TIF Lower Left quarter of schematic Q71-3_LR.TIF Lower Right quarter of schematic Q71-3_block.TIF Block diagram of the monitor Q71-3_sps.TIF Block diagram of the power supply The four quarter images were designed to be printer on standard 8.5x11 paper in landscape mode. The four sections can be taped together to make a large paper schematic. 2004/07/25

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