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Galileo I/O Mappings Arduino GPIO PWM Int Dir Muxed with Initial Setup IDE ID Source Pin Linux Linux IO0 Cypr GPORT4_BIT6_PWM2 50 N/A - BI UART0_RXD I w/ pullup off IO1 Cypr GPORT4_BIT7_PWM0 51 N/A - BI UART0_TXD I w/ pullup off IO2 SoC GPIO<6> 14 - 0 BI - I w/ pullup off (Cypr) (GPORT2_BIT0_PWM6_A3) (32*) IO3 SoC GPIO<7> 15 3 1 BI (PWM) I w/ pullup off (Cypr) (GPORT0_BIT2_PWM3) (18*) IO4 Cypr GPORT1_BIT4_PWM6 28 - BI - I w/ pullup off IO5 Cypr GPORT0_BIT1_PWM5 17 5 - BI (PWM) I w/ pullup off IO6 Cypr GPORT1_BIT0_PWM6 24 6 - BI (PWM) I w/ pullup off IO7 Cypr GPORT1_BIT3_PWM0 27 - BI - I w/ pullup off IO8 Cypr GPORT1_BIT2_PWM2 26 - BI - I w/ pullup off IO9 Cypr GPORT0_BIT3_PWM1 19 1 - BI (PWM) I w/ pullup off IO10 Cypr GPORT0_BIT0_PWM7 16 7 - BI (PWM) SPI1_SS_B I w/ pullup off IO11 Cypr GPORT1_BIT1_PWM4 25 4 - BI (PWM) SPI1_MOSI I w/ pullup off IO12 Cypr GPORT3_BIT2_PWM3 38 - BI SPI1_MISO I w/ pullup off IO13 Cypr GPORT3_BIT3_PWM1 39 - BI SPI1_SCK I w/ pullup off IO14 Cypr GPORT4_BIT0_PWM6 44 - BI AD7298:VIN0 I w/ pullup off IO15 Cypr GPORT4_BIT1_PWM4 45 - BI AD7298:VIN1 I w/ pullup off IO16 Cypr GPORT4_BIT2_PWM2 46 - BI AD7298:VIN2 I w/ pullup off IO17 Cypr GPORT4_BIT3_PWM0 47 - BI AD7298:VIN3 I w/ pullup off IO18 Cypr GPORT4_BIT4_PWM6 48 - BI AD7298:VIN4 I w/ pullup off IO19 Cypr GPORT4_BIT5_PWM4 49 -

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