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Now downloading free:burroughs BSP Fault Tolerant Features

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BSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION C-l 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION C-3 3. ERROR DETECTION C-5 File Memory Control C-5 Control Processor C-7 Control and Maintenance Unit C-9 Parallel Processor Control Unit C-ll Parallel Processor C-ll Arithmetic Element C-12 Output Alignment Network C-12 Memory Interface and Parallel Memory Address Parity Checks C-12 4. MAINTENANCE LOG FEATURES OF THE BSP C-15 5. INSTRUCTION RETRY C-17 File Memory Control C-17 Control Processor C-18 Parallel Processor C-18 C-iii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESSOR (1 BSP- BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR 1. INTRODUCTION The Burroughs Scientific Processor (BSP) is one of the first machines of its class to employ the features of single-bit error correction of memory data and instruc- tion retry. The system design embodies extensive error-detection capabilities that are the necessary foundations for effective retry. Additionally, all major data paths are protected with a modified Hamming code which provides single-bit error detection and correction and double-bit error detection. These features, coupled with the failure log capabilities, provide the scientific user and the Burroughs field engineer with state-of-the-art maintenance capabilities. C-l ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESSOR FILE MEMORY STORAGE UNIT SYSTEM MANAGER PARALLEL PROCESSOR DATA AND PROGRAMS FILE .25M WORDS/SEC

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