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i: . APPENDIX TO AN ANALYSIS OF VECTOR MEASUREMENT ACCURACY ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES DOUG RYTTING NETWORK MEASUREMENTS DIVISION 1400 FOUNTAIN GROVE PARKWAY SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA 95401 RF L Microwave Measurement Symposium And Exhibition FIJP'I HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD ( Appendix I: One-Port Accuracy Enhancement MEASURED DATA (rM) ~~ I UNKNOWN (Sj I X X I ONE-PORT IMPER~ECT SWEEP REFLECTOMETER OSCILLATOR MEASURED DATA (rM) ~~ -=-b:-I :D~~:R~ UNKNOWN ( (Sj-+I-...::..X...::pc-E-R-FE-.:;:...-T-=------+-I rA I ONE-PORT SWEEP REFLECTOMETER 4 ERROR OSCILLATOR TERMS Figure 1 One-Port Measurement System Block-Diagram The equations for the error adapter from Fig. 1 are The equation for the unknown one-port is ( Substitutions (3) into (1) and (2) yields (4) bo = eaoa o + e01 f A 1 b (5) b 1 = e 10 aO + e 11 f Ab1 Solving for b1 from (5) (6) b = e 10 a 1 1-e ll f A o Substituting (6) into (4) (7) bo = (e oo + e 1Oe 01 fA ) ao l-ellfA b Defi ne r 6 0 m= a:- a WWWHPARC~IVEcom . f Appendix II: Circle Fitting Procedure A modified least square error criterion is N 2 2 2 2 (1) I . 1 [(x.-A) 1 + (y .

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