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Now downloading free:xerox 19780515 NoteTaker IO Connections

xerox 19780515 NoteTaker IO Connections free download

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Model:19780515 NoteTaker IO Connections 🔎
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NoteTaker A Portable Computing System May 15, 1978 For Xerox Internal Use Only DRAFT - PLEASE COMMENT - DRAFT Subject: NoteTaker 1/0 Connections From: Douglas Fairbairn filed on [IVY]ntiocon.memo The NoteTaker system will have to make the following 1/0 connections to devices outside of the package: Flnnnv ni~k . --,-,-" ----- Number of signals: 13 Number of signal pins: 17 Number of ground pins: 17 Standard connector: 34 pin PC board edge connector 3M part #: 3463-0001 or AMP #: 583717-5 Type of person requiring access: All users Comments: The most natural way to access these signals is through a mmcnlng PC edge connector on the I/O backplane. A slightly better solution from the users point of view (I think) is to mount a 37 pin Cannon right-angle connector to the end of the I/O backplane. This way the user does not have to deal with edge connectors (is that bad?). The power for the external floppy disks will not come from the NoteTaker power supply. Video Number of signals: 4 (Video, comp video, H. sync, V. sync) Number of signal pins: 4 Number of grounds: 4 Type of person requiring access: All users Comments: The video which is going to the internal moniior should also be brought out for use externally. Again I think the naturai place to bring it out is on the 1/0 backplane, where it could terminate on a small edge connector or on a Cannon 9 pin connector which might be a right-angle style connector mounted in the backplane. Communications: Number of signals: Modem: 4 Grounds required: 4 EIA: 2 Grounds required: 2 Ethernet: 5 Grounds required: 5 ~ Type of person requiring access: All users 2 Comments: These are the three potential communications ports existing within the NoteTaker. Because it is very unlikely that more than one will be required at anyone time, it seems wise to group them in the same connector. I believe there wi! be enough signal pins on the I/O backplane to allow these signal to exist there. The alternatives for accessing the signals on the backplane are the same as for the previous alternatives. Digital to Analog Converter:' Number of signals: 2 Number of grounds: 2 Type of person requiring access: All users Comments: These signals are probably best brought out from the back of

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