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Now downloading free:RCA 6499 Radecon Mar56

RCA 6499 Radecon Mar56 free download

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@) 6499 RADECHON Charge storage Tube Electrostatic Deflection " Singl e-Beam, Barri er-Gr i d Type 12-7/32" Max. Length Electrostatic Focus Non-Equi librium Writing and' 3.35" Max. Diameter Capacitance-Discha~ge Reading TENTATI VE DATA RCA-6499 is a charge,storage tube of the . layer,'a backing-electrode, and a collector, as barrier-grid type intended. f6r use in a variety shown in Fig.l. The barrier grid consists of a fine meih screen very closely spaced to or in of information-processing'systems. Information contact with the gun side of the dielectric in digital or analogue form layer. On the opposite side of the layer and in may be introduced to the contact with i t i s placed the backing-electrode act i ve elements of the tube, which consists of a metal disc. The dielectric stored for a period of time layer has high insulating qualities and amaximum secondary-emission ratio greater than unity. The controllable from micro- barrier grid, the dielectric layer, and the back- seconds to. mi nutes, and then ing-electrode are collectively referred to as extracted at a rate the same the "target" for convenience in ~iplaining the as or' di'fferent from the operating principles of the 6499. The collector writin'g rate. is a conductive coating on the inside wall of the large part of

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