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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-05-06

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-05-06 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-05-06.pdf

a l L U U - ------ h --- --- Y VOLUME 13 NUMBER 2 MAY-JUNE 1973 TECHNICAL Although there are many varia- If a manual is well written, organ- MANUALS - tions, here is an outline of a typi- cal Hewlett-Packard instrument ized, page numbered and para- graph numbered, any desired item ORGANIZATION manual. can be found in a matter of sec- Front Matter onds. Try it-it works. AND USE General Information Another often overlooked item is Installation the list of figures and tables. In by Rod Dinkins Operation addition to the use explained Theory above, they are especially useful With the advent of increasingly Maintenance for finding tables or illustrations sophisticated instruments and cir- Parts List that you have previously used but cuits, technical manuals are be- Schematic Diagrams whose exact location you cannot coming larger and more complex. recall. Finding desired information can be M0d.l Sb3A Tebk of Coniamb time consuming when you are con- FRONT MATTER fronted with a 200 page manual T U L E OF CONTENTS with 30 foldout drawings. A know- Front matter includes the title M O n I QENERALINPORW11ON .. .. . ledge of manual organization and page, table of contents, and lists content helps considerably in ef- of figures and tables. The title fectively using a manual. To help page lists the instrument serial

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