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Now downloading free:xerox 19781010 NoteTaker IO Devices

xerox 19781010 NoteTaker IO Devices free download

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File name:19781010_NoteTaker_IO_Devices.pdf
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Model:19781010 NoteTaker IO Devices 🔎
Original:19781010 NoteTaker IO Devices 🔎
Descr: xerox notetaker memos 19781010_NoteTaker_IO_Devices.pdf
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File name 19781010_NoteTaker_IO_Devices.pdf

NoteTaker A Portable Computing System XEROX PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER Systems Science Laboratory LSI Systems Area October 10, 1978 For Xerox Internal Use Only Subject: NoteTaker I/O Devices From: Douglas Fairbairn filed on [IVY] nt >NTIODev.nt This is a short summary of the NoteTaker 110 devices and the things which it takes to test them. Keyboard Interface (I/O processor board) This device runs at a 60 Khz bit. rate. i\B t..~e basic titning is handled by L~e 6402 U./\Rl"',

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