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Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base (Oscilloscope Plugin) (1975) WW free download

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File name 7B92A Dual Time Base (Oscilloscope Plugin) (1975) WW.pdf

TEKTRONIX INSTRUCTION MANUAL Tektronix, Inc . P .O . Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number 070-1752-01 First Printing DEC 1974 are warranted, ship, for one year . i',o-, y questions ~ry ,.farranty should be taken up with your Ti Ell, He~rj F-igineer or representative . All requests IL - directed to znp in your area, assure you he lastesi service . Please icOLidle the. instrument Type or P-ri' Number arm Seiia! Number with all -~-quesls l(, . parts or service . Specifications and price change privileges reserved . Copyright , 1974, new material 1975, by Tektronix, Inc ., Beaverton, Oregon . Printed in the United States of America . All rights reserved . Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Tektronix, Inc . U .S .A . and foreign Tektronix products covered by U .S . and foreign patents and/or patents pending . TEKTRONIX is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc . 7B92A Operators TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE List of Illustrations ii List of Tables SECTION 1 SPECIFICATION 1-1 Electrical Characteristics 1-1 Environmental 1-5 Physical 1-5 SECTION 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 2-1 Installation 2-1 Front-Panel Controls, Connectors, and Indicators 2-2 Main Triggering Controls 2-2 Sweep Controls 2-4 Delayed Triggering Controls 2-4 Front-Panel Inputs 2-5 Familiarization Procedure 2-5 Setup Procedure 2-5 Sweep Functions 2-6 Triggering Functions 2-6

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