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Now downloading free:zilog SCC Users Manual 1992

zilog SCC Users Manual 1992 free download

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see USER's MANUAL Contains Specifications for the following Zilog parts: Z8030 Z8530 Z80C30 Z85C30 Z80230 Z85230 Z85233 see USER's MANUAL Contains Specifications for the f!lllowing Zilog parts: Z8030 Z8530 Z80C30 Z85C30 Z80230 Z85230 Z85233 Q4/92 Preface Thank you for your interest in the SCC (Serial Communica- you have previously used the Z80 SIO, you will find these tion Controller) family of products. devices, which share much the same basic architecture, to be very familiar. This manual is intended as a technical resource for part numbers Z8030, Z80C30 and Z80230 (Z-Bus) as well as The document is organized into nine chapters as follows: Z8530, Z85C30, Z85230, and Z85233 (Universal Bus). If 1. General Description Chapter 1 is an introductory section covering the key features and giving an overview of block diagrams, pin-outs, pin definitions and signal functions. 2. Interfacing the SCC/ESCC Chapter 2 provides all of the technical information to describe the bus inter faces. Included are timing diagrams, register accesses, resets, interrupts, Read/Write cycles, programming, OMAs and test functions. 3. SCC/ESCC Ancillary Support Circuitry Chapter 3 covers the SCC's/ESCC's functional details in the areas of baud rate generator, data encoding/decoding, digital phased-lock loop (NRZI, FM, Manchester modes), transmit clock counter, clock selection and crystal oscillator. 4. Data Communication Modes Chapter 4 explains the transmit/receive data paths, asynchronous modes, byte- oriented synchronous modes, and bit-oriented synchronous (SOLC/HOLC) modes. 5. Register Descriptions Chapter 5 illustrates and explains all of the bit and byte functions of the Read/Write registers. 6. Z85C30 SL 1480 Enhancements Chapter 6 explains the SOLC enhancements. Application Notes This section provides examples and useful tips to aid in development of SCC/ESCC Applications. Questions and Answers This section contains Answers to the most comrn:)nly asked SCC/ESCC Questions. Support Products This section contains descriptions of development tools used to support the

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