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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1998-01-03

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1998-01-03 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1998-01-03.pdf

HEWLETT PACKARD SERVICE INFORMATION FROM H E W L I I =PAGKARD ~ 1st Quarter 1998 David B. Grant /Hewlett-Packard The adapters that were shipped on the Caution instrument can be removed from the These cleaning processes apply only Proper cleaning and handling of connectors on the instrument. If you re- when dry connections are used lightwave connectors is imperative for move these adapters you should keep (no index matching compounds). achieving accurate and repeatable mea- the exposed connector of your instru- Hewlett-Packardstrongly recommends surements with your Hewlett-Packard ment covered until the next use. against the use of index matching com- lightwave equipment. Lightwave inter- Protective covers for these exposed pounds, particularly gels, as they may faces should be cleaned before each connectors are not provided with the be difficult to remove and can contain measurement using the techniques de- instruments, so it is best to keep the damaging particulates. If an index scribed here. Information on protecting adapters on the instrument with the matching compound is used, contact and storing your connectors/cables, dust covers on. the compound manufacturer for spe- and tips on how to properly mate con- cific information about recommended nectors are also included. Making Connections solvents and cleaning procedures. When you insert the ferrule into a con- Handling nector or adapter, make sure that the Cleaning Non-Lensed Always handle lightwave connectors fiber end does not touch the outside of Lightwave Connectors and cable ends with great care. Fiber the mating connector or adapter. In this ends should never be allowed to touch way, you will not rub the fiber end Equipment anything except other mating surfaces against any undesirable surface. Many The following is a list of the items that or cleaning solutions and tools. connectors have a keyed slot provided should be used to clean non-lensed for optimum measurement repeatabil- lightwave connectors. Caution ity that also helps to align and seat the Hewlett-Packard strongly recommends two connectors. After the ferrule is that index matching compounds not be applied to HP instruments and acces-

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