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Now downloading free:apple XENIX Lisa 2 Text Processing Reference May84

apple XENIX Lisa 2 Text Processing Reference May84 free download

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68-5-24-84-1.011.0 Text Processing System IMPORTANT NOI'E ABOUT INSTALLATION TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEM XENlX3.0 fmthe Apple'J:\I Lisa 2J:\I May24,I984 These notes contain information about installing the optional XENlX Text Processing System. lfyou wish to install the Text Processing System at the same time as installing the XENIX Operating System, please refer to the Installation Gui~ in the binder maIted Installation Guide/Operations Guide/User's Guide. When installing the XENIX Text Processing System after you 've already installed the XENIX Operating System, refertothesenotes. READ THE INSTALLATION NOTES INTHElRENflRETY AND MARK SURE YOU COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THE INSTALLATION PROCESS BEFORE INSTALUNGTHE PRODUCf. Note that you needtheXENIX Operating System in order to use the Text Processing System, so you must install the XENIX Operating System first. lfyru have already installed theXENIX Operating System, and wish to install the Text Processing System Package separately, follow this procedure: I. Login as root (super-user). 2. The floppies are mnnbered (beginning with 1) am must be installed in sequential numeric mder. Insert the first Text Processing System floppy into the floppy drive and enter the command: # letc/install 3. The install utility willprompt: First floppy (yIn) Enter'y

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