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Now downloading free:xerox DebugFTP.mesa Sep78

xerox DebugFTP.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:DebugFTP.mesa_Sep78.pdf
[preview DebugFTP.mesa Sep78]
Size:183 kB
Model:DebugFTP.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:DebugFTP.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug DebugFTP.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name DebugFTP.mesa_Sep78.pdf

DebugFTP.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1 DebugFTP.Mesa; Edited by: Sandman on April 24, 1978 10:25 AM Barbara on June 20, 1978 9:52 AM DIRECTORY A1toFileDefs: FROM "a1tofi1edefs" USING [FP], CommandDefs: FROM "commanddefs" USING [ FTPCode, WriteFTPString, WriteIDString], Contro1Defs: FROM "controldefs", DebugFTPDefs: FROM "debugftpdefs" USING [Fetchlland1e]. DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [ CommandAbort, confirm, WriteCharZ, WriteEOL], DebugSymbo1Defs: FROM "debugsymbo1defs" USING [DC1eanSymbo1Items], DebugUti1ityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [InvalidateFileCache], DirectoryDefs: FROM "directorydefs" USING [EnumerateDirectory], DiskKDDefs: FROM "diskkddefs" USING [CountFreeDiskPages], IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [ CR, NUL, ReadChar, ReadID, Rubout, WriteChar, WriteDecimal, WriteString], SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [ Defau1tAccess, DestroyFile, Fi1eError, InsertFi1e], StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [AppendString, EquivalentString], SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [ Al1ocateHeapNode, AllocateHeapString, FreeHeapString]; DebugFTP: PROGRAM IMPORTS CommandDefs, DebugMiscDefs, DebugSymbolDefs, DebugUti1ityDefs, DirectoryDefs, DiskKDDefs, IODefs, SegmentDefs, StringDefs, SystemDefs EXPORTS DebugFTPDefs .. BEGIN CR: CHARACTER = IODefs.CR; NUL: CHARACTER c IODefs.NUL; FTPData: TYPE = RECORD [ fetch: DebugFTPDefs.FetchHandle, hostname, directoryname, filename: STRING]; ftp: POINTER TO FTPData ~ NIL; AddFetch: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[f: DebugFTPDefs.FetchHand1e] .. BEGIN IF ftp = NIL THEN BEGIN OPEN SystemDefs; ftp ~ Al1ocateHeapNode[SIZE[FTPData]]; ftp.hostname ~ A1locateHeapString[40]; ftp.directoryname .. A1locatelieapString[40]; ftp.filename ~ AllocateHeapString[80]; END; ftp.fetch ~ f; RETURN END; Cal1FTP: PUBLIC PROCEDURE

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