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Inter-Office Memorandum To Debugger Planners Date June 15, 1978 From Barbara Koalkin Location Palo Alto Subject Issues - VM to oA log file Organization SOD/SO/DE XEROX SDD ARCHIVES XEROX I have read and understood Pages_ _ _ _To _ _ _ _. Reviewer Date_ __ Filed on: [Iris] > XD PilotDebugger6-15.bravo I of Pages Ref .. 7ISb.b-/~~ The following list is a set of issues related to working out the interface for the VM to OA log file. These issues have been discussed in the June 14th meeting of Pilot Implementors (Johnsson, Koalkin, Lauer, McJones, Redell. Sandman, and Wick). 1. We need a mapping from virtual memory to physical disk address. Can Pitot provide this? Pilot has agreed to provide a log of changes to its virtual memory to physical disk address (e.g. drive. head. track. sector) map for use by the debugger. Pilot must go through several levels of mapping in order to provide this: from virtual memory to file id and file page number, to virtual disk address, to seek address (through the exception table and Pilot disk driver). to physical disk address. The debugger will use this log to build a complete map of virtual memory to disk addresses. 2. We propose having part of the file label (i.e .

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