File name 19771028_D0_Simulator_Operating_Instructions.pdfXEROX
System Development Division
October 28, 1977 XEROX SDD ARCHIVES
To: Simulator users I have read and understood
Pages _ _ _ _ _To._ _ _ __
From: Crowther
Reviewer Date_ _ __
Subject: DO Simulator operating instructions
:/I of Pages _ _ Ref .. -r1S.7)1)~ -3 " "
The user of the simulator must be familiar with three other systems which are
documented elsewhere:
1) The DO Assembler System, documented on [Maxc] DOASSEM.PUB.
2) The mesa system, documented on [maxc].
1) The DO itself, soon to be documented on [maxc]???
This memo will assllme that the reader knows how a DO works, presumably from reading
the documentation on the processor. Therefore I will casually use terms like the T
register, and assume the reader understands their function. If the reader is unfamiliar
with mesa, he is advised to get help from an expert in preparing his starting disk;
thereafter mesa can be ignored.
Getting Started
To run the simulator you need a disk with the following modules on it: (renamed if using 10hnsson's exec)
s.bcd is on [maxc]s.bcd. 10hnsson's exec is on [maxc] All
the other files can be found on the mesa directory on maxc. It is also helpful but not
necessary to have an installed mesa debugger on the disk. With a debugger, if the system
crashes the user gets some clue about what happened.
To run the simulator you must start the file s. If usin~ the regular exec type the
following (user types the bold characters, system the normal characters):
new filename s
start filename ESC
If using 10hnsson's exec (which I recommend) type:
mesa s
After a delay for loading, the alto screen comes alive and is waiting for your instructions.
In order to understand what to do now, you must realize that there are really three quite
separate programs running in the machine at this instant.
1) There is the standard mesa window package. which is documented with the mesa
system: it has complete control of the mOllse, and will let YOli move the window(s) on the
screen or create and destroy new windows. You can scroll any window in the normal
mesa way.
2) There is a DO Simulator, which has a complete simulated state for a DO (without any
1/0). The DO design is documented elsewhere. This simulator has a few features which
the real DO lacks: in particular, there is a control register which will start the machine
when something is written into it. Depending on whether a ],2, or 3 is written the
simulated DO will run for one cycle, one instruction, or forever ( |