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Agilent Combining Network and Spectrum Analysis and IBASIC to Improve Device Characterization and Test Time Application Note 1288-1 Using the 4396B to analyze linear and non-linear components - a 900 MHz AGC amplifier example Background Active components require linear and non-linear analysis Active components (and now even some passive components like crys- tal filters) require analysis to charac- terize linear parameters (gain/loss, phase and group delay or S-parame- ters) as well as non-linear perfor- mance. Non-linear analysis is typi- cally related to measuring signal dis- tortion generated in the device such as harmonic or inter-modulation dis- tortion. Therefore, for complete characterization, both a vector net- work (VNA) and spectrum analyzer (SA) are required, for linear and non-linear evaluation respectively. For example, to characterize an amplifier for cellular applications, we are typically interested in the fol- lowing measurements. Note that 10 out of 12 measurements are made with either a vector network ana- lyzer (VNA) or spectrum analyzer (SA). Combining vector network analysis, spectrum analy- sis, and a built-in controller in one instrument offers new capabilities for RF testing. Introduction Today's RF designs are increasingly cost savings. But to fully character- driven by time-to-market. At the ize RF components often requires same time, advances in digital com- numerous test instruments and a munication techniques are placing large investment of time and effort. higher performance requirements on Automating testing to gather statisti- components and subsystems. These cal information involves external key driving forces require that com- computers and programming. In the prehensive as well as time and cost past, this amount of work has been a effective measurement techniques real obstacle to comprehensive char- are used in design and manufactur- acterization. If operating data is ing. In this note, test approaches needed for different or changing using the combination of vector net- conditions, re-configuring the test work, spectrum analysis and IBASIC station required a large commitment program control are discussed show- of resources and long time delays ing ways to get better device charac- before the data is available. terization with faster results, higher accuracy and increased test flexibil- ity. Additional benefits include

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