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AIWA aiwa xrm11-m36 nopower free download

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1/2 Service Technical Information MODEL NO. XR - M11 / M12 / M22 / M33 / M34 / M36 SUBJECT No power REF.No. :G - A0 - 034 - E0 DATE :01. JUN . 2000 It is reported that "No power" due to defects in chip capacitors occur in the above model. To correct the corresponding trouble, use the table given below. Short circuits on the chip capacitors cause the following trouble. Check the corresponding terminal voltages and correct the trouble (See Fig -1,2 for the locations of the respective chip conveyors): No SYMPTOM Normal voltage Defective chip capacitor Ref. No. 1 Although the Stand -by The voltage at Pin3 of IC301 must be C316 on the FRONT LED is activated, power 3.15V in ECO mode (Only the LED is P.W.B does turn on activated when Power is off) The voltage at Pin74 of IC301 must be C317 on the FRONT 4.99V in ECO mode (Only the LED is P.W.B activated when Power is off) The voltage at Pin16 of IC301 must be C329 on the FRONT 4.99V in ECO mode (Only the LED is P.W.B activated when Power is off) 2 Although the demon The voltage at Pin5 of IC301 must be C338 on the FRONT -stration Display appears, 0V during demonstration with Power off P.W.B Power does turn on The voltage at Pin6 of IC301 must be C339 on the FRONT 0V during demonstration with Power off P.W.B 3 The power relay alternates The voltage at the base terminal of C229 on the MAIN betweeen ON/OFF atates Q213 must be 0V in Power -saving P.W.B with the Standby LED on mode (Only the LED is activated when Power is off) The voltage at the base terminal of C230 on the MAIN Q213 must be 0V in Power-saving P.W.B mode (Only the LED is activated when Power is off) Ref. Parts Code Description Remarks C316,C338,C339 87- 010- 197- 080 CAP,CHIP 0.01 DM - C317,C329 87- 010- 198- 080 CAP,CHIP 0.022 -

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