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Anritsu ANRITSU 560-7XXX and 5400-71XXXX Operation & Maintenance free download

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File name ANRITSU 560-7XXX and 5400-71XXXX Operation & Maintenance.pdf

SERIES 560-7XXX AND 5400-71XXX RF DETECTORS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 1. INTRODUCTION 3. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS This manual provides descriptions and specifica- Performance specifications for the Series 560-7XXX t ions for ANRITSU Series 560-7 X X X an d and 5400-71XXX RF Detectors are listed in Table 1 5400-71XXX RF Detectors (Figure 1). It also con- on page 2. tains procedures for field replacement of detector di- odes in the model 5400-71B50 and 5400-71B75 RF 4. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF RF detectors and most of the Series 560-7XXX RF detec- DETECTORS tors. ANRITSU RF Detectors are high-quality, precision laboratory instruments and should receive the same 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION care and respect afforded such instruments. Follow The ANRITSU Series 560-7XXX and 5400-71XXX the precautions listed below when handling or con- RF Detectors use zero-biased Schottky diodes and necting these devices. Complying with these precau- have a measurement range of

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