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Now downloading free:xerox Rectangles.mesa Oct77

xerox Rectangles.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:Rectangles.mesa_Oct77.pdf
[preview Rectangles.mesa Oct77]
Size:636 kB
Model:Rectangles.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:Rectangles.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing Rectangles.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Rectangles.mesa_Oct77.pdf

rectang1es,mESA 24-0CT-77 18:38:25 Page 1 -- Rectang1es,Mesa Edited by Sandman on September 27, 1977 11:26 AM OIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs", Contro1Defs: FROM "contro1defs", ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs", In1ineDefs: FROM "in1inedefs", IODefs: FROM "iodefs", MiscDefs: FROM "miscdefs", NovaOps: FROM "novaops", OsStaticDefs: FROM "osstaticdefs", SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs", SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs", StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs", Rectang1eDefs: FROM "rectang1edefs"; DEFINITIONS FROM In1ineDefs, SystemDefs, SegmentDefs, Stream~efs, Rectang1eDefs: Rectangles: PROGRAM[pagesformap, mapwordsper1ine: CARDINAL] IMPORTS ImageDefs, MiscDefs, SystemDefs, SegmentDefs, StreamDefs EXPORTS RectangleDefs SHARES Rectang1eDefs = BEGIN -- CHARACTER constants CR: CHARACTER = IODefs.CR: Space: CHARACTER = IODefs.SP: DEL: CHARACTER = IODefs.DEL: -- GLOBAL PUBLIC Data (all PUBLIC for initialization guy ?1) savedfirstDCB: DCBptr ~ NIL: tempDCB: UNSPECIFIED: bitmaps: PUBLIC BMHandl e .. NIL: defaultmapdata: PUBLIC BMHand1e ~ NIL; defaultfont: PUBLIC Fptr .. NIL; points to start of font defaultpfont: PUBLIC FAptr ~ NIL: pOints to self relative ptrs defaultfontsegment: FileSegmentHandle .. NIL; defaultlineheight: PUBLIC INTEGER; assuming alII ines equal: defaultcharwidths: STRING ~ [128]: -- should be byte ARRAY (later!!) -- GLOBAL Data wordsinpage: INTEGER = AltoOefs.PageSize: bbtable: ARRAY [0 .. SIZE[BBTable]+l] OF WORD: bbptr: BBptr ~ LOOPHOLE[@bbtable]: -- Bitmap Rectangle Routines CreateRectangle: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [bitmap: BMHandle, xO, width: xCoord, yO, height: yCoord) RETURNS[Rptr] BEGIN -- define locals rectangle: Rptr; -- allocate rectangle object and init it rectangle ~ AllocatefieapNode[SIZE[Rectangle]]; rectangle'!' .. Rectangle[NIL, FALSE" bitmap, xO, width, 0, yO, height, 0]: rectangle.options .. ROptions[FALSE,FALSE); -- I ink it into the I istof rectangles and fix it up rectangle. link .. bitmap. rectangles; bitmap. rectangles .. rectangle: rixupRectangle[rectang1e]: RETURN[rectangle]: [NO: DestroyRectangle: PUBLIC PROCroURE [rectangle: Rptr] B[GTN -- der ine locals prey: Rptr: bitmap: BMHandle .. rectangle.bitmap: - - del ink i t r r om til eli s tor r e c tan 9 I e s IF bitmap.rectangles = rectangle THEN bitmap.rectangles ~ rl Sf B[GTN prey .. bitmap.rectangles: UNTIL rectangle = pf

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