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Now downloading free:Western Digital 1981 Western Digital Product Handbook

Western Digital 1981 Western Digital Product Handbook free download

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Model:1981 Western Digital Product Handbook 🔎
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1981 PRODUCT HANDBOOK WESTERN DIGITAl. CORPORATION WESTERN DIG6TAl PRODUCT HANDBOOK Making The leading Edge Work For You This is our first complete Product Handbook and, naturally, we're proud of it. We're proud of the products detailed in these pages. We're proud of our people, who have taken these products from concept to market. And we're proud of the hundreds of Western Digital customers who have used these products to achieve a competitive advantage in their own markets. The rate of innovation in this industry is breathtaking. And Western Digital has played an important role in the microelectronic revolution. Our guiding principle though, goes beyond extending the limits of the leading edge; we're dedicated to making the leading edge work. The proof is in our products. And like our products, this handbook has been designed with you in mind. We've gone to great lengths to make it complete, accurate and useful. Now we would like your critical appraisal, to help us improve it. And our products. Let me hear from you directly. Or use the postcard at the back at this handbook. /~ ~// "---::/? 7 ' / //d' ~~ __ L--~ / -----.,. // Charles W. Missler Chairman of the Board President and Chief Executive Officer 3 lEDGE HNDEX TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION ADVANCED SYSTEMS DIVISION CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION GENERAL INFORMATION Quality Assurance Package Data Representatives and Distributors Terms of Sale 5 FUNCTIONAL INDEX TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Part Number Description Page TR1402 Programmable UART 17 TR1602 Programmable UART 17 TR1863 Programmable UART 17 TR1865 Programmable UART 17 PR1472 Programmable SAR 25 PR1482 Programmable SAT 39 FR1502 FIFO Buffer Register 55 UC1671 ASTRO-Full Duplex Synch or Asynch 67 WD1931 ASTRO-Compatible with SDLC 81 WD1933 SDLC-Parallel to Synch Serial 99 BR1941 Dual Baud Rate Generator 115 WD1983 Programmable BOART 123 WD1984 Multi-Character Synch ronous/ Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver 189 WD1993 ARINC 429-1 ASA

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