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Agilent PN 8780A-2 Modulation Solutions for RF and Microwave Receiver Test Product Note The Agilent 8780A--Off-the-Shelf "Real World" Modulation Today's advanced telemetry, terrestrial and satellite communications receivers vastly exceed the modulation capabil- ities of traditional narrow-band analog modulation signal generators. Testing these advanced receivers often requires custom-built test systems which include complicated combinations of splitters, filters and hybrid components. The Agilent Technologies 8780A Vector Signal Generator is Agilent's answer to the custom-built modulator for receiver test. It combines several highly-advanced modulators in a sin- gle programmable test instrument. Capable of AM, FM, Phase Modulation, and I/Q and Digital Modulations, the 8780A not only replaces most custom- built modulators over the 10 MHz to 3 GHz IF frequency range, but improves performance as well. And, unlike custom-built solutions, the vector signal generator has all the conven- iences of a state-of-the-art synthesizer: programmable level and frequency plus automatic calibration at the touch of a button. This note describes the modulation capabilities of the 8780A in detail. It also includes several actual measure- ments made on an 8780A sampled at random to show how actual perform- ance compares with the specifica- tions. In most cases, there is consid- erable margin in the specifications. Hopefully, by presenting actual meas- Figure 1. Simplified 8780A Vector Signal Generator block diagram showing modulators ured data, you will be able to better and frequency mixing determine if the 8780A is suitable for your applications. If you have to have a tighter specification, please contact your Field Engineer for a quote of a special option. New! Phase Modulation >10 MHz Frequency Modulation >12 MHz One of the most demanding applica- BW, <10% THD, >3 Radians P-P BW, >50 MHz P-P Deviation tions for an FM modulator is the gen- The FM modulator of the vector sig- eration of video signals. The vector Deviation signal generator's AC FM is designed In response to the needs of telemetry nal generator also benefits from its location in the 8780A's multiplier with this challenge in mind. customers, we've added phase modu- chain. Not only are very wide peak-to- Differential gain and phase are speci- lation to the 8780 as special option peak deviations and rates possible, fied at less than 2% and 1 degree H02. Because the vector signal gener- but distorti

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