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Now downloading free:ONKYO dpc6-fianl 141

ONKYO dpc6-fianl 141 free download

DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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Model:dpc6-fianl 141 🔎
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Descr: ONKYO DVD DPC-6 dpc6-fianl_141.pdf
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Final release date:01/27/02 DPC-6 Ref: 112200-3 Service Tip and Troubleshooting: Make sure static free work environment is observed at all times when working with Laser Pickup. Symptoms: (1) Disk Starts, Spins and DISK ERROR comes up. (2) Disk plays with intermittent picture breaking up. (3) Disk fails to initialize, or locks up trying to read disk. (4) Plays DVD but fails to play CD or plays CD but not DVD. Mandatory Solution: Replace pickup connector cables, Remove pick-up connector intermediate PCB, update firmware with most recent version. Part Location Old Part number New part Number Reason For change 2042183512 2042184012 Improved RF (Eye Pattern) E103 E101 2042180512 Eliminated (Remove) RF Loss improved U9 1H412554-2 Eliminated (Remove) RF Loss improved RF Noise improved E210 None 230957 (Add) Before you start work, the following process must be addressed in order to avoid damage to the pickup assembly. Your finding may resemble the followings: a. Powers, rotates carousel, chucks, (clamps) and LD is not ON, and immediately un-chuck. b. Powers, chucks, and LD is on spins for a few seconds and unclamps goes to next disk. c. Powers, chucks, LD is on, spins and spins trying to read TOC. Endless loop. d. DVD plays but not CD or plays CD not DVD. e. Picture breakup problem. Fig1 Fig2 Fig3 Access hole for shorting Short J019 with solder. pickup at the bottom. Lift cap with a screwdriver. Must return cap when done. Remove top cover Disconnect al wires Fig4 from digital PCB. Fig5 Remove front panel screws Fig8 Fig6 Fig7 Latch Carousel rem

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