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K Service Source Apple Newton MessagePad Apple Newton MessagePad, Apple Newton MessagePad 100, Apple Newton MessagePad 110, Apple Newton MessagePad 120, Apple Newton MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0, Apple Newton MessagePad 130 K Service Source Basics Apple Newton MessagePad Basics General - 2 General There are five versions of the Apple Newton MessagePad personal digital assistants (PDAs). Each is repaired through whole-unit exchange. Apple Newton MessagePad/Apple Newton MessagePad 100 The original Apple Newton MessagePad PDAs have a stylus mount along the right side of the unit and a PCMCIA slot at the top. There is no built-in cover. Basics General - 3 Apple Newton MessagePad 110 The Apple Newton MessagePad 110 has an integrated "copier style" lid that flips back and fastens on the rear of the unit. The stylus for the 110 mounts into a slot that extends into the right side of the unit, and the PCMCIA slot is on the right side. Apple Newton MessagePad 120 The memory system of the Apple Newton MessagePad 120 is a combination of FLASH and SRAM. Its "copier style" lid is removable. Basics General - 4 Apple Newton MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0 Operating System In addition to the features offered in the original Apple Newton MessagePad 120, the MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0 includes improvements in system software, bundled software for Pocket Quicken and eWorld, and a fax send and receive capability. The Newton keyboard is an option for the MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0. (The keyboard is compatible only with Newton 2.0.) Basics General - 5 Apple Newton MessagePad 130 The Apple Newton MessagePad 130 is physically identical to the MessagePad 120 except for its display. The MessagePad 130 employs a user-controllable backlit screen that is more durable and glare-free. In addition, it provides 1 MB of SRAM for enhanced communcations capabilities and multitasking support, including support for Class II Fax. K Service Source Specifications Apple Newton MessagePad Specifications Processor - 1 Processor CPU ARM 610 microprocessor 20 MHz Specifications Memory - 2 Memory MessagePad/ 640K MessagePad 100 RAM MessagePad 110 1 MB RAM MessagePad 120 2 MB (1.5 MB FLASH, 0.5 MB SRAM) RAM Me

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