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Agilent De-embedding and Embedding S-Parameter Networks Using a Vector Network Analyzer Application Note 1364-1 Introduction Traditionally RF and microwave com- Accurate characterization of the Over the years, many different ponents have been designed in pack- surface mount device under test approaches have been developed for ages with coaxial interfaces. Complex (DUT) requires the test fixture char- removing the effects of the test fix- systems can be easily manufactured acteristics to be removed from the ture from the measurement, which by connecting a series of these sepa- measured results. The test equip- fall into two fundamental categories: rate coaxial devices. Measuring the ment typically used for characteriz- direct measurement and de-embed- performance of these components ing the RF and microwave ding. Direct measurement requires and systems is easily performed with component is the vector network specialized calibration standards standard test equipment that uses analyzer (VNA) which uses standard that are inserted into the test fix- similar coaxial interfaces. 50 or 75 ohm coaxial interfaces at ture and measured. The accuracy of the test ports. The test equipment is the device measurement relies on However, modern systems demand a calibrated at the coaxial interface the quality of these physical stan- higher level of component integra- defined as the "measurement plane," dards.2 De-embedding uses a model tion, lower power consumption, and and the required measurements are of the test fixture and mathematical- reduced manufacturing cost. RF at the point where the surface- ly removes the fixture characteris- components are rapidly shifting mount device attaches to the print- tics from the overall measurement. away from designs that use expen- ed circuit board, or the "device This fixture "de-embedding" proce- sive coaxial interfaces, and are mov- plane" (Figure 2). When the VNA is dure can produce very accurate ing toward designs that use printed calibrated at the coaxial interface results for the non-coaxial DUT, circuit board and surface mount using any standard calibration kit, without complex non-coaxial cali- technologies (SMT). The traditional the DUT measurements include the bration standar

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