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K Service Source 17" ColorSync Displays 17" ColorSync Display (was AppleVision 750) 17" ColorSync AV Display (was AppleVision 750AV) K Service Source Hot Issues 17" ColorSync Displays (AppleVision 750, 750AV) Hot Issues Overview - 1 Overview This chapter is designed to highlight unique or high- priority product issues that you should be aware of before servicing this display. This chapter alerts you to important issues and provides links to other areas in the manual where more complete information can be found. This chapter is not intended to replace other parts of this manual; it merely provides a pointer to pertinent information in those chapters. The date the Hot Issue was published is indicated in parentheses after the title. Hot Issues Revised Troubleshooting Chapter Features CRT/Video Board Pro- Revised Troubleshooting Chapter Features CRT/Video Board Procedures (3/98) The Troubleshooting chapter has been revised to include procedures for downloading setup parameters, adjusting the display after replacing the CRT/video board or the main deflection board, and diagnosing suspected hardware problems. The latest version of the Diagnostics utility called Display Service Utility (v4.2.1) enables service providers to more accurately determine the source of hardware problems and readily repair the display. The CRT/video board (Apple part number 661-1373) is now offered worldwide as a replacement module. Refer to the Hot Issues Revised Troubleshooting Chapter Features CRT/Video Board Pro- expanded Troubleshooting chapter for the latest troubleshooting procedures; refer to the Diagnostics site of Service Source Online or the Service Source Companion CD (Diagnostic Utilities folder) for the Display Service Utility v4.2.1. Hot Issues Jittery or Blurry Video with Power Macintosh 5500/6500 Jittery or Blurry Video with Power Macintosh 5500/6500 (12/97) If the display exhibits jittery or blurry video when connected to a Power Macintosh 5500 or 6500, suspect the computer, not the monitor. Video jitter affects monitors connected to computers having a 225 or 250 MHz logic board. Jitter is evident where the pixels shimmer or jump at the edges of the screen, windows, or dialog boxes. Blurry video is seen as a fuzzy image over the entire screen on monitors set to resolutions

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