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Now downloading free:Intel 1979 iSBC Applications Manual

Intel 1979 iSBC Applications Manual free download

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iSBCTM Applications Manual The material in this Application Note is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Intel Corporation has made an effort to verify that the material in this document is correct. However, Intel Corporation does not assume any responsibility for errors that may appear in this document. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to describe Intel products: ICE INSITE INTEL INTELLEC LIBRARY MANAGER MCS MEGACHASSIS MICROMAP MULTIBUS PROMPT UPI ~SCOPE RMX/BO iSBC iCS INTELVISION FSP MULTI MODULE and the combination of ICE, MCS, RMX, and iCS and a numerical suffix. PREFACE Since Intel introduced the ISBC 80/10 Single Board Computer in early 1976, the family of Intel OEM Microcomputer Systems has grown rapidly. Original equipment manufacturers and volume end-users alike have responded to the con- cept originated by Intel of having all the functions of a computer - central processing unit, memory, input-output and system expansion capability - present on one printed circuit board. The capabilities of a single board computer have been enhanced by the creation of the industry-standard MULTIBUS system bus. System expansion boards have been introduced for memory, serial I/O and parallel I/O expansion, as well as analog I/O, DMA controllers and peripheral controllers. A unique feature of the MULTIBUS architecture, however, is its capability to support multiple single board computers. This capability permits sophisticated multiprocessing con- figurations using standard off-the-shelf 8-bit and 16

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