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LEXICON hfe lexicon mc-12 service free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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MC-12 / MC-12 Balanced Music and Cinema Processors Service Manual MC-12 / MC-12 Balanced Service Manual Precautions Save these instructions for later use. Follow all instructions and warnings marked on the unit. Always use with the correct line voltage. Refer to the manufacturer's operating instructions for power requirements. Be advised that different operating voltages may require the use of a different line cord and/or attachment plug. Do not install the unit in an unventilated rack, or directly above heat producing equipment such as power amplifiers. Observe the maximum ambient operating temperature listed in the product specification. Slots and openings on the case are provided for ventilation; to ensure reliable operation and prevent it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. Never push objects of any kind through any of the ventilation slots. Never spill a liquid of any kind on the unit. This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug. This is a safety feature and should not be defeated. Never attach audio power amplifier outputs directly to any of the unit's connectors. To prevent shock or fire hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture, or operate it where it will be exposed to water. Do not attempt to operate the unit if it has been dropped, damaged, exposed to liquids, or if it exhibits a distinct change in performance indicating the need for service. This unit should only be opened by qualified service personnel. Removing covers will expose you to hazardous voltages. This triangle, which appears on your component, alerts you to the presence of uninsulated, dangerous voltage inside the enclosure... voltage that may be sufficient to constitute a risk of shock. CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN This triangle, which appears on your component, alerts you to important operating and maintenance Instructions in this accompanying literature. Notice This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designated to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment OFF and ON, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more

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